Saturday, January 9, 2010


What is a Protocol? What is this stuff? Well, a Protocol is a set of rules, which is used for connecting some computers in a network. As for example a man goes to some different land and want to find his destination. Then there should be some standard pattern for such people to talk to each other or to communicate. These standard patterns are some set of rules with which you need to send your data to this distant land and talk to the person. Thus there is standard set of Protocols without which our communication is impossible for the Network Of Networks or INTERNET. These Protocols are thus called INTERNET PROTOCOLS.
At the end of 2002, an international team from California and the Netherlands sent 6.7 gigabytes of data across 6,821 miles of fiber-optic network in less than one minute. That's roughly two full-length DVD-quality movies traveling a quarter of the way around the Earth at an average speed of 923 megabits per second. Believe me that's fast.
The present version of the Protocol we are using is the Internet Protocol version 4, which is successful for many of the applications on the Internet. But with the latest trends in the technology we are about to get yet another version of the World Favorite Protocol which is the version 6. Yes, with the help of science and technology we have got a new solution to Ipv4 and probably its successor in the near future called INTERNET PROTOCOL Version 6 which is the topic of discussion below. It will change the entire meaning of Internet connecting itself with the upcoming technologies such are Internet2 and Quality Of Service (QoS). Let’s see about this version in detail now.

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