QoS AND IPV6 — IPV6 — USB 3.0

Saturday, January 9, 2010


When we go to any of the Cinema Hall we search for a better place and a better screen because we need a good quality of picture we are seeing as this obliges and pleases all of us. But the same when comes to Internet we are ready to compromise which should not be the case. The next of the friendly hand is the QoS or the Quality Of Service, which is the latest challenge to the Internet Pundits. QoS is concerned with the Quality with which this data is transmitted over the network. This technology is not used in the present system and thus we face the consequences. Sometimes it happens that when you download a file form the Internet many times the download is complete but when you are opening the file the important data at a very crucial time doesn’t open and thus again download the same. With this technology we will get Quality of Data as that is received or transmitted for the Satellite Communication. Thus if you doing web chatting with your family members there will be sound picture and crystal clear sound without any delays in transmission. These include the services as that of the Satellite Communication for data transmission and thus end users are always going to get benefited by this also the thing gets much cheaper for any user.

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