The SuperSpeed bus is a layered communications architecture that is comprised of following elements:
Ø SuperSpeed Interconnect. The superspeed interconnect is the manner in which devices are connected to and communicate with the host over the superspeed bus.This includes the topology of devices connected to bus, the communication layers, the relationships between them and how they interact to accomplish information exchanges between the host and devices.
Ø Devices. SuperSpeed devices are sources or sinks of information exchange. They implement the required device –end, SuperSpeed communications layers to accomplish information exchange between a driver on host and logical function on device.
Ø Host. A SuperSpeed host is a source or sinks of information. It implements the required host-end,SuperSpeed communication layers to accomplish information exchanges over the bus. It owns the SuperSpeed data activity schedule and management of the SuperSpeed bus and all devices connected to it.
see in figure The rows (device or host , protocol , link , physical ) realize the communication layers of the SuperSpeed interconnect.
There are total three layers:
1) Physical layer
2) Link layer
3) Protocol layer
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